Belly has only ever been in love with two boys, both with the last name Fisher. And after being with Jeremiah for the last two years, she's almost positive he is her soul mate. Almost. Conrad has not gotten over the mistake he made when he let Belly go even as Jeremiah has always known that Belly is the girl for him. So when Belly and Jeremiah decide to make things forever, Conrad realizes that it's now or never--tell Belly he loves her, or lose her for good.
Belly will have to confront her feelings for Jeremiah and Conrad and face a truth she has possibly always known: she will have to break one of their hearts.
Can I just tell you that I've had this book on my shelves for weeks? Yep, I pre-ordered it and had told myself it would be my reward after finals on May 3rd. Finals came and went and I still hadn't even cracked it open (which is one of my favorite things about reading a new hardback, by the way). Why? Because I knew once I started reading it, I wouldn't be able to stop, and once I finished... it would be the end. I can't tell you how much I loved this series and now that it's over... bittersweet.
It had been a while since I'd finished It's Not Summer Without You, but it was fairly easy to jump back into the storyline. Things have moved forward and Belly's now finishing her freshman year in college, an aspect I really appreciated since not too many young adult books have a college setting (which I personally find odd given how it's the perfect setting to put the parents out of the picture, something that occurs pretty frequently in YA. I digress, however. ) Things moved at a pretty quick pace- I think I learned more about Jeremiah's character in a few chapters than I had in an entire book. It was kind of enlightening, actually. It helped me (firmly) picked a side in the whole Conrad/Jeremiah battle. It also showed me a lot about who Belly was as well. In previous books, we were really only exposed to Belly's personality through her interactions with everyone at Cousins. Seeing her in college, as Isabel, was eye-opening.
I can't really go too far into this review without risking spoiling anything. I can, however, say that if you enjoyed the first two books, this one won't dissapoint. I literally did not put this book down. Jenny Han really pulled out all the stops, and I'm glad she did. I've honestly never felt closer to these characters, and having to say goodbye to them is kind of heartbreaking.
My Ratings:
Plot: A
I've enjoyed this series from the beginning, and this last book answered all the burning questions.
Characters: A
Fantastic. The characters have developed beautifully since The Summer I Turned Pretty. They're definitely not without their flaws, giving this wonderfully realistic quality.
Cover: A
True to the Summer series, it fits perfectly.
Length: A-
Honestly, the ending felt a little bit more rushed than I would have preferred, but other than that things moved at just the right pace.
A fun novel about an American girl in Paris (SATC, season 6, anyone??) I give Anna and the French Kiss:
Anna and the French Kiss is available now:

France · 687 weeks ago
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